Some segments of hypha, swelled hypha, pelotons and conidiophore were in colonies in cork and secondary phloem. 在美登木木栓层和次生韧皮部中分布有菌丝片段、膨大的菌丝、菌丝团及分生孢子;
Granular form of vegetative storage proteins was observed in the large central vacuoles of the secondary phloem parenchyma cells and secondary phloem ray parenchyma cells in the samples fixed in 4% glutaraldehyde. 在用戊二醛固定的标本中,营养贮藏蛋白质呈颗粒状,积累在中央大液泡里。
Endophytic fungi existed in the local cells of cork and secondary phloem in the root. 内生真菌只在一定区域的皮层和次生韧皮部细胞中分布。
They were accumulated in the large central vacuoles of secondary phloem parenchyma cells and secondary phloem ray cells. 这些蛋白质积累在韧皮薄壁细胞和韧皮射线细胞的中央大液泡里。
As the vascular cambium was initiated, the interfascicular cambium was formed on the adaxial side of secondary phloem produced by the cambium. phloem developed well; 但是当维管形成层形成时,束间形成层在初生乳管的近轴一侧产生,因而随着次生形成层的活动,初生乳管被定位于次生韧皮部远轴一侧。
Periodicity of cambium activity and seasonal changes of the secondary phloem in two species of Dalbergia 黄檀属两种树木形成层的活动周期和次生韧皮部的季节变化
Analyses pressure drop character of ice-water two phase flow in vertical and horizontal ducts by experiments. In the secondary xylem vertical and horizontal ducts are present, but in the secondary phloem only horizontal canals occur. 通过实验分析了冰水两相流在垂直和水平管道流动时的压降特性;其中,次生木质部内具有水平的和垂直的两类树脂道,而次生韧皮部内则仅有水平的树脂道。
The seasonal development of secondary phloem of 23 species of deciduous trees distributed naturally or introduced on Hainan Island in tropical area of China was studied using microscopy. 用显微技术研究了海南岛天然分布和引种的23种落叶树木次生韧皮部的季节发育。
In the transection section, the area of secondary phloem is much larger than secondary xylem. 在横切面上,次生韧皮部的面积比次生木质部大得多。
A large number of adventitious buds could be seen on the roots, and the adventitious buds originated from the secondary phloem cells. 根上发育大量的不定芽,不定芽起源于次生韧皮部细胞。
Kerria lacca's mouthparts can reach the secondary phloem of all 7 host trees. 7种寄主植物周皮到韧皮部的距离都在紫胶蚧口针达到范围之内;
Comparative Anatomy of the Secondary Phloem in Four Species of Cupressaceae Comparative Anatomy Study on Leaves of Tetraena mongolica Maxim 柏科四种植物次生韧皮部的比较解剖四合木(TetraenaMongolicaMaxim)叶片的比较解剖学研究
The secondary phloem is larger than the secondary xylem in the Heracleum, which is the typical storing root. 根据独活属植物根的次生韧皮部远比次生木质部发达的特点,确定独活属植物的根是典型的贮藏型根。
In contrast, the secondary phloem possessed a higher level of specialization and displayed advanced characters. 而韧皮部的特化水平较高,表现出一系列进化特征。
The secondary phloem consisted of sieve cells and phloem parenchymas. 根的次生韧皮部则由筛胞和韧皮薄壁细胞组成。
Bark structure and seasonal variations of secondary phloem development in Ligustrum lucidum and Fraxinus chinensis 女贞和白蜡树的树皮结构及次生韧皮部发育的季节变化
The secondary phloem occupied 46% of the diameter of the root and the parenchymas cells had abundant inclusions. The secondary xylem consisted of vessels, and xylary radial and some xylary parenchyma cells. 维管组织中次生韧皮部所占根径的比例达46%,其薄壁细胞中内含物较丰富,次生木质部中分布有导管和木射线及少量木薄壁组织;
Seasonal Ultrastructural Changes of Secondary Phloem Parenchyma Cells in a Tropical Tree, Dalbergia odorifera 热带落叶树降香黄檀次生韧皮部薄壁组织细胞超微结构的季节变化
The first ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous and ray cells outside the secondary phloem and each following ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous cells deriving from its previous ring of extra cambium. 第一圈额外形成层产生于次生韧皮部外侧的薄壁组织细胞和射线细胞,以后的每一圈由前一圈向外衍生的薄壁组织细胞产生。
Studies on the ultrastructure of secondary phloem in the stem of Rhus verniciflua Stokes 漆树茎次生韧皮部超微结构的研究
Comparative Anatomical Studies of Stem Secondary Phloem and Wood of Some Gymnosperm 部分裸子植物茎次生韧皮部和木材的比较解剖
The main results are as follows: The secondary phloem of Taxaceae is composed of axial and radial systems. 其主要结果为:红豆杉科植物茎次生韧皮部由轴向系统和径向系统两部分构成。
The bark structure of Magnolia biloba, from external to internal parts, includes periderm, cortex, fibre bundies of primary phloem and secondary phloem. 凹叶厚朴的树皮由外向内为周皮、皮层、初生韧皮部的纤维束和次生韧皮部。
With the progressive development of stem, the activity of vascular cambium began. The fascicular cambium differentiated into secondary xylem and secondary phloem, while the interfascicular cambium only differentiated into wide ray of parenchyma tissue. 随着茎的继续发育,维管形成层开始活动,由束中形成层产生次生韧皮部和次生木质部分子;而束间形成层仅产生薄壁细胞组成宽的射线。
PAS reaction results showed polysaccharide were also existed in root periderm and secondary phloem of the two plants. PAS反应对多糖的组织化学定位结果显示在两种远志根的次生韧皮部和周皮中都有多糖物质的积累。
While for older roots, there are periderm, secondary phloem, cambium, secondary xylem and primary xylem. In root, the duct caliber of xylem in Akebia quinata ( Thunb.) Decne. 老根由外向内依次为:周皮、次生韧皮部、形成层、次生木质部、初生木质部。在根中五叶木通木质部导管口径比三叶木通的大很多。
The secondary phloem mother cell were divided and differentiated into sieve tube, companion cell, libriform fibre, parenchyma cell, and a few sclereid cells, The sieve tube and companion cell was originated from inequality mitosis of sieve mother cell. 维管形成层韧皮部母细胞分裂分化形成筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞、韧皮纤维和少量的石细胞,筛管和伴胞来源于筛管母细胞的不均等有丝分裂。
The vertical system of secondary phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma cells, stone cells and secretory ducts, and radial system were composed with the phloem rays. 次生韧皮部由垂直系统的筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞、石细胞、乳汁道以及水平(径向)系统的韧皮射线组成。